Evanescent is an adjective and is pronounced ev-uh-NESS-unt
What does evanescent mean?
It means something that vanishes quickly like a vapor, soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.
Like “a shimmering evanescent bubble”

Evanescent comes from the Latin evanescere meaning to disappear, evaporate, or vanish. It’s a fragile, airy quality. Something that possesses qualities of evanescence, have qualities of disappearing or vanishing.
Synonyms for Evanescent
brief, deciduous, ephemeral, flash, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, momentary, passing, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory
How do you choose the right synonym for evanescent?
Transient, Transitory, Ephemeral, Momentary, Fugitive, Fleeting, and Evanescent itself mean lasting or staying only a short time.
Transient applies to what is actually short in its duration or stay.
Transitory applies to what is by its nature or essence bound to change, pass, or come to an end.
Ephemeral implies striking brevity of life or duration.
Fugitive and Fleeting imply passing so quickly as to make apprehending difficult.