Political Correctness
On The Subject of Political correctness I just read a comment that mentioned political correctness and it reminded me how much I’m beginning to hate having to be politically correct. It’s getting so complicated to […]
On The Subject of Political correctness I just read a comment that mentioned political correctness and it reminded me how much I’m beginning to hate having to be politically correct. It’s getting so complicated to […]
At noon, while I was making tea for my mom and I and getting ready to make lunch, the neighbour from 3 doors down pulled into my driveway (in her BMW) and knocked on the […]
We just met the kids that lived here with their parents from 1951 until sometime in the 1980’s. We found out the tree on the side of the house is a Ginkgo and the current […]
Snail Hot-tub. Because snails need beer too! To get rid of snails and slugs in your garden, fill a bowl or plastic bottle with beer and put it in the garden. Place it somewhere where […]
A picture of me with Dartis Willis (President) and Bill Jones (Head Coach) of Windsor Express, NBL Champions. Don’t forget to go see them at the parade from 2 – 4 PM on Saturday, April […]
There are two types of tired. I suppose one is a dire need of sleep the other is a dire need of peace. ~ Mandeq Ahmed Two Types of Tired5 Signs That It’s Your Soul […]
Watching a documentary I feel every educator, parent and law enforcement should watch at least once. Nova: Mind of a Rampage Killer Originally posted on Facebook
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