When Your Parenting Efforts Pay Off

Good JobWe’re having some cement work done outside and as I was walking Sam and his brother towards the gate so I can lock it behind them, Sam’s phone rang.   He took it out of his pocket and looking at the caller ID he said, “sorry, this is important I have to answer it”.
Me: No problem
Sam (answering the phone): Hi mom!

Wow! Good parenting work Sam’s mom. You raised very good children.

Labels: Westcott Concrete, parenting rewards

About Nancy Tessier 131 Articles
Move Over Mid-Life Barbie, Nancy T is here. Married. Green-eyed blonde or brunette (depending on my mood). Sweet, sensitive, smart & self-employed. Owner of Windsor Business Networks, Bridal Basics, Mashup Kaffe Designer, Writer, Creative Director, and Master Collaborator