This basket of happiness features the new “Mother’s Day Pastel Hearts” 18″ Heart Microfoil® nestled in a organic hoop of pastel latex.
Materials: Item numbers and offerings may vary internationally.
Check with your local Qualatex distributor for availability.
1 18″ (46cm) “Mother’s Day Pastel Hearts” Microfoil®17441, 17444 (pkgd.)
15 5″ (13cm) Yellow 43609
15 5″ Spring Lilac 43565
15 5″ Rose 4360015 5″ Pink 43575
15 5″ Pale Blue 43571
10 5″ Lime Green 48954
30″-36″ Plastic Hula-Hoop (In a coordinating colour) Scrap 260Q
#9 Ribbon
- Create 4-balloon clusters out of the 5″ balloons, randomly sizing the balloons between 2.5″- 4″, (6cm -10cm) and creating a variety of colour combinations in each cluster.
- Twist the clusters around the lower half of the hula-hoop. Add a few of the clusters to the top of the hoop.
- Air-inflate the 18″ “Mother’s Day Pastel Hearts” Microfoil, and roll tie the neck using a scrap 260Q. Tie the Microfoil into the clusters on the lower half of the hoop.
- Use several lengths of #9 Ribbon to add finishing touches to the design.

Unending Joy is Designed by Eve Antonello, cba, Pioneer® Balloon Company
Mother’s Day 18″ Microfoil balloons
Source: Pioneer Balloon Company