Outdoor Murphy Bar or Garden Hand Tool Storage

The first time I saw this design, it was being used as a garden hand tool storage cabinet. What a great idea! So I bookmarked it and when I went back, the links were gone but the pictures weren’t. So I started searching for it… and discovered several designs.

I dug around some more and found How to Build a Fold-Down Murphy Bar on This Old House website and knew almost instantly, this was going to be part of our new shed… a dual purpose mini cabinet to use for storing something-or-another, is sure to be a big YES from my hubby, who will be doing the work 😉

The illustration looks easy enough, I suppose but then again, I’m not the one doing the figuring, cutting and sawing.

About Nancy Tessier 134 Articles
Move Over Mid-Life Barbie, Nancy T ( 나지크 ) is here. Married. Green-eyed blonde or brunette (depending on my mood). Mostly sweet'ish. Owner of Windsor Business Networks, Bridal Basics, Mashup Kaffe Designer, Writer, Creative Director, and Master Collaborator. Auntie-Bear SKZ 스트레이 키즈 STAY "Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World" 가보자고