At the M.A.C. store at Devonshire Mall looking specifically for a lipstick. Matte in a nude shade preferred.

One of the workers walks towards me while I’m standing in front of the display, eyes wide open in total awe of all the fabulous lipsticks to
choose from. Beautiful, luscious matte colours in nude shades. I’m thinking to myself, “I love you and want to adopt you all – how do I pick only one?”
“They’re all beautiful aren’t they?” she said.

Me: “Yes they are. I’ll take this one”, pointing at a mid-range nude with a hint of blushing orange.
M.A.C. clerk: “That’s kinda sexy”
Me: Very excited, “Oh ya!”
Talking myself-up in my head with things like, “I’m buying a colour that’s sexy, hmmm, go me!”
“I feel empowered”
“I am sexy, daring even”
“… I really deserve this”
A few hours later I return home and realize what she was telling me was the name of the product!