The Good Associate at Payless

I wanted to thank the woman at Payless in Tecumseh Mall (Windsor, Ontario) for helping me find not one, not two, but THREE pairs of sandals to buy (May 12, 2018). I didn’t catch her name but this was her last week.

Another clerk had approached us originally and she asked what I was looking for; I wanted something casual, flats, high-heeled, red, multi-color and neutral but they have to be edgy and sexy.

That lady started picking up low casual uninspired shoes to show me (stuff I already looked at and didn’t want) and said what I want doesn’t exist, that she can’t help me and then she turned and walked away.

As my husband and I headed towards the exit, my husband made a comment to another woman, she replied and I heard them talking as I continued out the door. As I approached the main hall, I turned and motioned to a display saying how nice those sandals are and too bad they don’t have any in my size. Hubby turns to me and says that’s what the other woman was talking about as we were leaving.
We walked back inside and I asked that woman to show me those sandals in my size – which she did and I bought them in both available colours. Then she showed me a different style in red, which I also bought.
At the checkout, she asked for my email address so I can get coupons on special occasions and of course, newsletters about sales and such.
Here’s why I’m writing this, I understand this was her last week at Payless and I wanted to thank her for her help. I didn’t catch her name; she has shoulder-length blonde hair, her day job is across from AP Plasman, my husband told her she’s a great salesperson and it got her choked-up  (and that’s how we discovered it was her last week there).
Today, I’m going back to Payless for some strappy flats I saw in the newsletter. I’ll be going to the Devonshire Mall location because I don’t want to encounter the original unmotivated clerk we dealt with, who didn’t care if I made a purchase, couldn’t understand the concept of multiple purchases, has no sense of fashion, her attitude was a downer and she was directing me towards shoes based on her preconceived notion of what women my (apparent) age should wear. 

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 The total of this purchase was 110.97 plus tax.
About Nancy Tessier 134 Articles
Move Over Mid-Life Barbie, Nancy T ( 나지크 ) is here. Married. Green-eyed blonde or brunette (depending on my mood). Mostly sweet'ish. Owner of Windsor Business Networks, Bridal Basics, Mashup Kaffe Designer, Writer, Creative Director, and Master Collaborator. Auntie-Bear SKZ 스트레이 키즈 STAY "Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World" 가보자고