Gnome Sweet Gnome
by Cam Woody, CBA, Pioneer Balloon, Wichita, Kansas
Materials List
1 42″ (107cm) “Gnome” Microfoil 20051, 20055 (pkgd)
2 – 18″ (46cm) “Candy Swirl Red” Microfoil 31857, 64329 (pkgd)1 14″ (36cm) “Mini Gnome” Microfoil 19709
1 – 14″ (36 cm) “Mini Gnome” Microfoil 19709
2 – 9″ (23cm) “Candy Swirl Red” 50989
4 – 11″ (28cm) Red Latex 43790
4 – 11″ White Latex 43802
4 – 5″ (13cm) White Latex 43607
3 – 5″ Red Latex 43599
2 – 260Q Red 54616
1 – 12″ (31cm) Cardboard Cake Board Clik Clik® Stretchy Tape
Clik Clik® Balloon Bond
Scrap 260Qs
Heat Sealer
Packing tape
1. Cut around the seam of an 18″ Candy Swirl Microfoil. Separate the balloon into two pieces and use one then to cover the Cake Board. Use packing tape on the back side to secure the edges and to make it as smooth as possible.
2. Pull the air out of a 260Q and use Stretchy Tape to create an H-Connection point in the center of the circle (See How to Create an H-Connection Point).
3. Air-inflate two 11″ Red latex and two 11″ White latex balloons to 8″ (20cm). Create a 4-balloon cluster, making sure to alternate the colors.
4. Air-inflate two 11″ Red and two 11″ White balloons to 6″ (15cm) and create a second 4-balloon cluster, once again alternating the colors. Tie into the larger cluster. Use the attachment point on the Cake board to attach the entire cluster to the base.
5. Air-inflate and heat seal the Mini Gnome Microfoil® and the two 9″ Candy Swirl Microfoils. Tape down the neck of the Gnome, and roll-tie the neck of the Candy Swirls. (See How To Heat Seal)
6. Air-inflate the 42″ Gnome Microfoil and the remaining 18″ Candy Swirl Microfoil, and roll-tie the neck of each using a scrap 260Q.
7. Tie the 18″ Candy Swirl into the cluster created in Step 3. Pull the air out of a 260Q and attach to the top of the Candy Swirl with Balloon Stretchy Tape to create an H-Connection point.
8. Air-inflate two of the 5″ Red latex balloons and two of the 5″ White latex balloons to 3.5″ (9cm). Create a 4-balloon cluster out of these, being sure to alternate colors. Inflate the remaining 5″ balloons to 2″ (5cm) and attach to the 4-balloon cluster. Tie the cluster to the H-Connection point on top of the 18″ Candy Swirl.

9. Inflate a Red 260Q and tie it in a loop around each leg of the 42″ Gnome to give it additional support.
10. Use the 260Q used to roll the neck of the 42″ Gnome to attach it into the clusters created in Step 8. Position the Gnome off to the side of the top cluster, so one foot rests on the top of the Candy Swirl. Use a piece
of Balloon Bond to secure the Gnome to the 18” balloon.
11. Use Balloon Bond to attach one of the hands and the side of the 14″ Mini Gnome’s hat toward the bottom of the 18″ Candy Swirl.
12. Use the 260Q from the roll-tied 9″ Candy Swirl, and wrap it into the base on the opposite side
from the Gnome.
13. Use Clik Clik® Balloon Bond to attach the last
9″ Candy Swirl to the 42″ Gnome, between the hand and head.
Item numbers and offerings may vary internationally. Check with your local Qualatex distributor for availability.
Gnome for the Holidays