
Prosperity Soup

New Year’s Day Prosperity Soup In the South they say if you eat this soup on New year’s day, you will have a happy prosperous year. Be sure to have all the ingredients so you […]



Leaves:  Fresh and dried leaves are commonly used in cooking. Flowers:  Fresh or dried flowers are used for infusions in flavouring honey, cream, or sugar,  for herbal tea. To garnish a dish, use fresh lavender […]



I picked up a fragrance guide booklet from Shoppers Drug Mart a while back and wanted to note some of the items without having to keep the entire thing. So here goes! Always test a […]


August 20th Visit

Mom’s hair is getting long again; I should set an appointment to trim it a bit and keep it off her neck.  I tried repeatedly to wake her up and finally got her to open […]