Mom’s hair is getting long again; I should set an appointment to trim it a bit and keep it off her neck. I tried repeatedly to wake her up and finally got her to open her eyes for a few minutes.
She smiles politely and still recognizes the names of her siblings. I said their names and she told me how they are related. Didn’t recognize her parent’s names or mine, and smiled at her son’s name and being known as “em Ibrahim”.
I told her stories of her job and how many women were hired to replace her when she quit. Also told her about her teaching days and how much everybody still loves “el sit Victoria”.
Her dress is worn out, with holes on the shoulder yet she sits with dignity and class with feet crossed at the ankles and arms folded lightly on her lap.
I brought her a spinach pie from New Yasmine Bakery, but she didn’t reach for it although I presented it to her several times. I temporarily forgot she’s on pureed foods (until the staff mentioned it) and needs to be fed although she will hold a piece of toast and eat it on her own.
I also picked up the paperwork Roberta left for me at the nurse’s station. I’m not sure why she gave me a copy of tests from 2009 and earlier when the question I asked was, who requested or authorized a biopsy on mom’s thyroid when they were told specifically, I can’t stress this point enough, not to be tampered with in any way. This is not a question I will let anyone sweep under the rug.