My husband is having a lot of back pain and using his Tens machine every to help get relief. I suggested some stretching and Googled (as always) and obtained the lists below. How I selected these above all the others is because I’m familiar with these poses from yoga and know they’ve helped me and I trust these particular websites. I’ve linked the titles of the articles to their respective websites, where the full text and instructions are.
7 Lower Back Stretches to Reduce Pain and Build Strength
- Child’s Pose
- Knee-to-chest stretch
- Piriformis stretch
- Seated spinal twist
- Pelvic tilt
- Cat-cow stretch
- Sphinx stretch
Stretching for Back Pain Relief
(6 stretches for back pain relief, pdf downloaded)
10 Best Stretches to Ease Your Lower Back Pain, According to Trainers
- Child’s Pose
- Cat/Cow Stretch
- Supine Twist
- Knee-to-Chest Stretch
- The Pelvic Tilt
- Supine Figure 4 Stretch
- Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Stretch (Supta padangusthasana)
- Cow-Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
- Bridge Pose
- Forearm Plank

Source for the above stretching exercises (already linked above) also listed below
www . healthline . com
www . spine-health . com
www . prevention . com