Cacao Chia Pudding
I hired a nutritionist (Sarah Bezaire, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, owner of Mindful Body Nutrition) 5 weeks ago and she has been guiding my menu. At the moment she is trying to help me out of […]
I hired a nutritionist (Sarah Bezaire, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, owner of Mindful Body Nutrition) 5 weeks ago and she has been guiding my menu. At the moment she is trying to help me out of […]
A few days ago I had a tarot reading and was told I need to protect myself from negative energy coming at me from my work online. So yesterday I went with the woman who […]
I’m relaxing in the bound angle (baddha konsana) pose at the Yin Yoga Workshop hosted by Mawiomi Yoga at the W.F.C.U. centre on Tuesday, March 5th, 2019. Yin Yoga Workshop Mawiomi Yoga
My mother doesn’t know me! I’ve said this many times and for the past five + years, I would say it’s okay if she doesn’t know who I am because I still know who she is. […]
My mother used to tell me stories about the past. Some of the stories were reflections on ways she was wronged, some others were observations of events, misbehaviors she witnessed, and relationships that weren’t successful and […]
For couples so eager to call it quits and throw in the towel on your relationship because everything isn’t ‘perfect’…here is some food for thought. Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. […]
I picked up a fragrance guide booklet from Shoppers Drug Mart a while back and wanted to note some of the items without having to keep the entire thing. So here goes! Always test a […]
Mom’s hair is getting long again; I should set an appointment to trim it a bit and keep it off her neck. I tried repeatedly to wake her up and finally got her to open […]
I agree! Last year I went to the hospital 3 times a day to feed my mom her meals. After a couple of weeks, I mentioned to the parking attendant that it’s expensive paying for […]
I’m getting older AND better. Today, for the first time EVER, I did a side plank. Yay me! I was only a couple of inches off the floor and held it for 8 seconds on […]
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