Groom’s To-Do List

Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming marriage!

During the next several months, you and your fiancée will be busy making plans and decisions for that perfect Wedding.

The “TO DO LIST” has been designed to help you focus on the tasks you will need to do and how soon you need to start making those plans. We hope this will help you stay organized and on track. This list may be especially helpful to you if you are not familiar with Wedding Customs and what is traditionally expected to be done by the groom.
Enjoy your Wedding Day and we hope you will have many Joyous Memories to Cherish.

Twelve Months Before The Wedding
• Buy your bride’s engagement ring, if you haven’t already.
• Discuss the kind of wedding you want and budget with fiancé and both sets of parents.
• Choose your wedding attendants.
• Help fiancé select ceremony and reception sites.

Nine Months Before The Wedding
• Visit with your ceremony officiant,
there may be pre-marriage classes to attend.
• Begin your guest list.
• Visit your local travel agent
for information on honeymoon destinations.
• Select registry gifts with your fiance.

Six Months Before The Wedding
• Make honeymoon reservations.

Three Months Before The Wedding
• Give your fiance your completed guest list.
• Check state requirements for blood testing.
• Make wedding day transportation arrangements.
• With fiance, select wedding attire
for yourself, groomsmen and fathers.
• See that attendants have arranged fittings.
• Get birth certificates.

Six to Eight Weeks Before The Wedding
• Select gifts for attendants and bride.
• Pick up your wedding rings from jeweler.
• Arrange for lodging of out-of-town guests.
• Help your bride in the selection
of floral arrangements, etc.
• Make sure all attendants and ushers
have ordered their attire.
• Decide upon the rehearsal dinner.

Two to Three Weeks Before The Wedding
• Go with your fiance to get your marriage license.
• Finalize transportation arrangements.
• Confirm all honeymoon reservations.
• Send out rehearsal dinner invitations.
• Help fiance with seating arrangements
for reception.

One Week Before The Wedding
• Confirm rehearsal dinner’s date,
place and time with your attendants.
• Get necessary payments for ceremony
officiant, musicians, etc. ready for the best man
to give out after the ceremony.
• Begin packing for your honeymoon.
• Buy traveler’s checks for honeymoon.
• Inform attendants of any special responsibilities
and head usher of special instructions on seating.

The Day Before The Wedding
• Finish packing for your honeymoon.
• Attend rehearsal dinner and go home early.
• Relax and Enjoy!